3D Acquisition and modeling for crime scene documentation

This project is aimed at testing the performance of 3D optical acquisition and reverse engineering to carry out the contact-less gauging of crime scenes for their documentation and analysis. In particular, the study focuses on two aspects. The former is the “in-field” measurement and modeling of crime scenes.

The activity carried out by the Laboratory staff deals with a number of significant cases. A comprehensive summary of the experiences is in the references below.

Related Publications

Cavagnini, G.; Scalvenzi, M.; Trebeschi, M.; Sansoni, G. “Reverse engineering from 3D optical acquisition: application to Crime Scene Investigation“, Proceedings of Virtual Modelling and Rapid Manufacturing, Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, pp. 195-201. 2007

Sansoni, G.; Docchio, F.; Trebeschi, M.; Scalvenzi, M.; Cavagnini, G.; Cattaneo, C. “Application of three-dimensional optical acquisition to the documentation and the analysis of crime scenes and legal medicine inspection“, 2007 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interface, pp. 1-10. 2007

Sansoni, G.; Cattaneo, C.; Trebeschi, M.; Gibelli, D.; Porta, D.; Picozzi, M. “Feasibility of contactless 3D optical measurement for the analysis of bone and soft tissue lesions: new technologies and perspectives in forensic sciences“, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 540-545. 2009

Sansoni, G.; Cattaneo, C.; Trebeschi, M.; Gibelli, D.; Poppa, P.; Porta, D.; Maldarella, M.; Picozzi, M. “Scene-of-Crime Analysis by a 3-Dimensional Optical Digitizer: A Useful Perspective for Forensic Science“, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 32 no. 3, pp. 280-286. 2011

3D image acquisition of crime scenes for documentation, analysis and medical inspection

In this thesis project the two students involved (Marco Scalvenzi and Gianluca Cavagnini) had the opportunity of using the Vivid 910 laser scanner to document 3D crime scenes at different resolution levels.

It was really interesting to capture medium range details, such as the injury tools and body parts, as well as short range details, like bullet holes, skin lesions, and blood patterns.

A numer of experiences have been performed both in indoor and in outdoor environments. The flexibility, the portability and the ease of use of this system revealed very precious to complete the projects.