This is an example of the typical project in the course of Optical Measurements.
The students have been involved into the acquisition of a small car by using the system based on the projection of structured light. The PolyWorks suite of programs was used to acquire the mesh.
The real difficulty in this project was the calibration of OPL-3D, since it requires the knowledge of calibration camera models and the experimental practice with calibration masters and setup of the projector-camera pair.
The students are Marco Tomasini and Michele Mancini. Download the presentation to have an insight of the work.

This project has been carried out at the city museum (Museo di Santa Giulia), where the students had to acquire the Winged Victory of Brescia statue using the Vivid 910 Scanner as the measurement sensor.
The statue was already measured in 2001 by using OPL-3D. The aim was to compare the measurement performances when coherent light (Vivid 910) is used instead of incoherent light (OPL-3D).
The students who carried out the project are Nicola Modonesi and Davide Barba. Here you can download a brief presentation of their work.

In this project the students had to acquire a bas-relief at the Museo di Santa Giulia of Brescia by using the Vivid 910 Scanner.
The bas-relief is a very large one, representing the patron saints of Brescia, St. Faustino and Giovita. The aim was to produce the triangle mesh of the bass-relief.
The students who carried out the project are Mauro Facchini and Emanuele Tonoli. Here you can download a brief presentation of their work.