The Laboratory has been working on 3D Vision systems and techniques since 1990, resulting in a vast list of publications and start-ups on the subject. The main topics include inspection, measurments, 3D reconstruction and modelling, with a smart use of rapid prototyping techniques to recreate objects and reverse engineering techniques.
One of the activities carried out at the lab over the years has been to use 3D range cameras to perform the reverse engineering of free form shapes, in view of establishing a method for the achievement of topological informations of the shapes in the form of meshes. The transversal nature of the process has led to apply it to a large field of applications, such as cultural heritage, industry and medicine.
Extrinsic Calibration procedure by using human skeletonization
Optical analysis of Trabecular structures
OpenPTrack software metrological evaluation
MAPSS: Multimaterial Additive Production for Structural Sustainability Applications
Single Grating Phase-Shift (SGPS): a novel approach to phase demodulation of fringes

DFGM: combining steady fringe patterns to obtain high definition point clouds

3D-Optolab: optical digitization based on active triangulation and non-coherent light projection

OPL-3D: a portable system for point cloud acquisition
Commercial software for Reverse Engineering
OptoSurfacer: an optical digitizer for reverse engineering of free-form surfaces
OPL_Align: a software for point cloud alignment
View_Integrator: an interactive way to align point cloud views

OPL_Viewer: useful tool to visualize point clouds
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